HomeBerita GameSolusi Perbaikan Monster Hunter Wilds PC yang Bermasalah

Solusi Perbaikan Monster Hunter Wilds PC yang Bermasalah

Capcom telah membagikan solusi perbaikan Monster Hunter Wilds PC yang mengalami masalah. Dirilis pada hari Jumat kemarin, versi PC game ini di Steam langsung mendapatkan review “Mixed”. Para pemain mulai melaporkan adanya masalah terkait optimalisasi dan juga performa yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan.

Capcom telah mengetahui masalah tersebut dan merespon melalui Steam. Menurut Capcom, ada beberapa saran yang bisa dilakukan oleh pemain untuk mengatasi masalah performa yang dialami.

Solusi Perbaikan Monster Hunter Wilds PC yang Bermasalah

solusi perbaikan monster hunter wilds pc

Berikut adalah detailnya:

  1. Make sure you meet the minimum system requirements for the game.
  2. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers.
  3. Check for Windows Updates and ensure all of the latest programs are installed to your OS.
  4. If you still experience issues, try performing a clean installation of the video driver set.
  5. Update DirectX to the latest version.
    For details on how to update DirectX, please visit the Microsoft support page or Microsoft Download Center.
  6. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list.

    Default Paths:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\MonsterHunterWilds
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\MonsterHunterWilds\MonsterHunterWilds.exe

  7. Add folder and files for Steam.exe to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list.

    *Default Paths:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe

  8. Give administrator privileges to Steam.
    To run Steam.exe in administrator mode, right-click on the .exe file and select “Run as administrator.”
  9. If you still experience issues, try logging into your PC in administrator mode and then run the game’s execution file (MonsterHunterWilds.exe).
  10. Verify the game’s files on Steam.

    To verify your game’s files, follow these steps:
    (1) Restart your computer and launch Steam.
    (2) From the “Library” section, right-click on the game, and select “Properties” from the menu.
    (3) Select the “Installed Files” tab and click the “Verify integrity of game files” button.
    (4) Steam will verify the game’s files – this process may take several minutes.

    Important: One or more files may fail to verify. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message. If problematic files were detected during this process, Steam will automatically download and / or replace those files.

  11. Disable Compatibility Mode for “MonsterHunterWilds.exe” if enabled.

    (1) Right click on “MonsterHunterWilds.exe” located in the following folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\MonsterHunterWilds
    *The above is the default location.
    (2) Go to Properties
    (3) Open Compatibility tab
    (4) Untick “Run this program in compatibility mode for:”
    If the above does not resolve the issue, please disable the Compatibility Mode for “Steam.exe” located in the folder below.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

  12. If you still experience issues, please also try the troubleshooting steps on the Official Monster Hunter Wilds Troubleshooting & Issue Reporting Thread posted on the Steam community page as they contain more detailed and additional steps that may help resolve your issue.

Terlepas dari masalah teknis yang melanda versi PC, Monster Hunter Wilds berhasil mencetak rekor dari segi jumlah Concurent Players atau jumlah pemain yang online secara bersamaan. Kemarin, kami memberitakan jika jumlah Concurent Players Monster Hunter Wilds di PC mencapai 1.000.723. Sekarang, jumlah tersebut sudah bertambah menjadi 1.307.976.

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Editor Playcubic. Gamer dengan cita-cita punya PC kelas dewa. Disamping PCnya ada PS5 dan Xbox Series X
